Introducing the best of the 11th intra-university festival of Harak University of Applied Sciences

Introducing the best of the 11th intra-university festival of Harak University of Applied Sciences

The best of the 11th intra-university festival of Harak University of Applied Sciences were announced.
According to the public relations report of Mazandaran University of Applied Sciences, the closing ceremony of the intra-university festival of movement of the university, especially for student scientific associations of applied scientific education centers across the country, was hosted by the branch of Mazandaran province in the city of Sari.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Mohammad Fathi, Acting Vice President of Cultural and Student Affairs of the University of Applied Sciences, said: The purpose of holding this festival is to attract students to participate in student scientific associations for creative group activities, to strengthen the position of these associations, to identify and introduce students with outstanding scientific achievements and Creating a suitable platform for realizing social university and promoting science and technology.
The Head of Cultural and Student Vice-Chancellor of the University of Applied Science and Technology stated that the most important function of scientific associations for students is to learn communication, thinking and implementation skills. Solving the country’s current problems and turning the innovative ideas of these associations into startup ideas.
He went on to explain the activities of the 11th intra-university movement festival and said: After the establishment of the secretariat of this festival in Mazandaran province, 925 works from 32 provinces of the country in the axes of the top association, creative scientific activity, scientific publication, scientific competition, scientific entrepreneurship, Special section, education-oriented association, interdisciplinary associations, book, invention, dynamic association, student science and technology associations participated, and after preliminary review, 479 works were selected for judging.
Dr. Fathi continued: According to the themes of the festival, 55 judges were selected from among the academic staff members and lecturers of the university and they categorized and judged the works in 6 scientific groups, and finally 44 selected works were selected and introduced in the 12 themes of the festival. In this ceremony, they were appreciated in person and online.
In the end, the Cultural and Student Vice-Chancellor of Jameh University of Applied Sciences stated that we hope that the output of all student activities, especially the selected works in Harak Festival, will have an impact on the country’s technology, production and employment, and added: Among the selected works in the Jameh University of Applied Sciences intra-university festival, Harak Applied, 40 works have been sent to participate in the International Movement Festival.
It should be noted that Dr. Reza Lahmian, the president of Mazandaran University of Applied Sciences and the secretary of the 11th intra-university festival of Harak, also presented a report on the activities of the secretariat of this festival and the process of holding it at the beginning of this ceremony.
The names of the winners of the 11th intra-university festival of Harak University of Applied Sciences
In the invention section of the Scientific Student Association of Chemistry and Food Industries, the Applied Scientific Center of Karaj Sugar Manufacturing Company won the first place, the Electrical Scientific Association of Ilam Applied Scientific Center took the second place, and the Business Management Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of the Sham Sham Shiraz Protein Industrial Company took the third place. they did
It won the first place in the education-oriented association section of the photography scientific association of the applied scientific center of Almas Art and Cultural Institute of Kimia Art, Kerman.
According to the judges of the festival, for the second place in this section, no scientific association obtained the required quorum, and finally, the education-oriented association of the applied scientific center of the Karaj sugar production company was ranked third, and the scientific association of the applied scientific center of Bahar-Avaran Nastern Qom was deservedly recognized.
In the section of the Interdisciplinary Association of the Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of Fars Workers’ House Organization, it was recognized as worthy of recognition.
In the Dynamic Association section, none of the associations won the first place, and the judges of the Dynamic Association of the Najaf Abad Applied Science Center, Isfahan, ranked second, and the Electrical Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of Polad Pichkar, Tehran, Sharq Company, ranked third, and the Center’s Dynamic Association Applied Science of Karaj Sugar Production Company and Acting and Theater Association of Applied Science Center for Culture and Art Unit 1 of Khorasan Razavi were honored.
In the section of the superior scientific association of the Cinema Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of Culture and Art Unit 46 West of Tehran, the first rank, the Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of the Fars Worker’s House Organization, the second rank, the Scientific Association of the Applied Scientific Center of Najaf Abad, Isfahan, and the Scientific Association of Graphic Visual Arts of the Applied Scientific Center Culture and Art Unit 11, West Tehran jointly won the third place, and the Cinema and Directing Association of Applied Science Center for Culture and Art Unit 11, West Tehran was well-deserved.
In the Student Science and Technology Association section, the judges of the festival did not consider any of the associations to have the first to third ranks, and the Scientific Association of Public Relations of the Applied Science Center of Karaj Alborz Municipality, the Technology Association of the Applied Science Center of East Azerbaijan Shirin Asal Food Industry Group, the Pehbad Association of the Scientific Center The application of Shahid Sayad Nazaja of Isfahan deserved to be commended.
In the special section of the Student Scientific Association of Mashkat Applied Scientific Center of Alborz Province, the first and the Scientific Association of Law and the Scientific Association of Administrative Affairs of Imam Hossein (AS) Applied Scientific Center of West Azarbaijan jointly, the second and the Scientific Association of Ghadir Fars Applied Scientific Center and the Scientific Association of the Center Alborz province’s applied science was joint third.
He won the first place in the scientific competition section of the student scientific association of pastry and chocolate engineering of the Applied Science Center of Fard Alborz University. In this section, none of the associations won the second place, and the scientific association of engineering, technology, safety, health and environment applied scientific center of Qazvin Third Worker’s House organization and the scientific association of entrepreneurship and business of the applied scientific center of Iran Frameco Alborz company were deservedly recognized.
In the creative scientific activity department of the Scientific Association of Cinema and Filmmaking, the Applied Scientific Center of Art Culture, Unit 11, Tehran West First; Architecture Association of Scientific Work Center

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