In what case can a student make an emergency withdrawal?

  • If the university agrees, a week before the start of the end-of-semester exams, the student can simply remove one theoretical course within the time frame set by the university.

 In what case does the student become conditional?

  • If the student’s average grades in each academic semester is less than 12, the student is considered conditional in that semester and can choose up to 14 courses in the next semester.
  • If a student is placed on probation in two consecutive or alternating academic semesters, he will be banned from continuing his education.

How can a student take an academic leave?

  • A student can use academic leave for a maximum of 1 half year in any of the non-continuous associate and expert courses.
  • The period of academic leave is considered as one of the maximum allowed period of study of a student in each course.

Under what conditions can a student withdraw from studies?

  • Failure to register a student in each academic semester is considered a withdrawal from education.
  • Failure to choose a unit in each semester by the student is considered as withdrawal from education, and if the student is not followed up and the assignment of the student’s educational status is not determined in that academic semester, it is applied as withdrawal from education at the end of the same academic semester.

How is the equivalence of courses?

  • General, main, basic and specialized courses for students who withdraw, deprived of education, change of major, transfer and transfer combined with change of major in scientific-applied universities (term and foundation), technical and professional universities and only general and basic courses for students who withdraw, deprived of education, Change of major, transfer and transfer combined with the change of major of public, Islamic Azad, Payam Noor and non-profit universities, in case of admission to the university, should be equated in such a way that students register and complete at least 25 courses in the new course.
  • It has not been more than 5 years since the course was completed.
  • Courses from the course or courses that lead to an official degree cannot be equated.
  • For every 20 units of equivalent courses, 1 semester is reduced from the student’s allowed academic years.
  • The grade of equivalency courses must be at least 12.
  • Equivalence of courses is possible in non-concurrent methods (non-attendance and semi-attendance to attendance courses and non-attendance to semi-attendance courses).
  • Courses completed in academic levels with an equivalent degree, level one and level two of Payam Noor seminary and comprehensive cannot be equated. Academics’ Islamic field courses can be equated after the final review and approval of the Office of the Supreme Leader’s Representative Office.
  • Equivalence of internship courses, internships 1 and 2 is only possible for students who have withdrawn and been expelled from applied science courses who have been accepted again in the same course and the same major with an approved title.
  • According to the educational content, common skill courses can be equated only in the relevant educational group.
  • Those students who have an associate’s degree and are admitted to the bachelor’s degree, if they have completed more courses than the associate’s degree, if the title, the number of units and the grade of 12 match with the opinion of the educational group and the educational council of the center, they can be equated. .
  • The educational council of the center must, in the first semester of the academic year of the new students, no later than two weeks after the end of the registration deadline and until the time of deletion and addition after reviewing the content of the courses, the number of units (the same or more or less units) and the acquired grades and educational levels. (same level, from high to low educational level, from associate degree to continuous expert level and from continuous expert level to associate degree and discontinuous expert level) if there is a match, to equate the courses.

What is the maximum allowed period of study?

  • The maximum allowed period of education in associate and undergraduate courses is 5.2 years, including half a year of permission from the provincial council.

Which students can be introduced to the professor?

  • If a student has a maximum of two theoretical courses (up to a maximum of 4 credits) in the last semester of the academic year for graduation, with the approval of the center’s council and in compliance with the credit limit of that semester, he can take the exam outside of the dates of the exams announced in the educational calendar. take that course as an introduction to the professor in that semester or summer period.
  • If a student has already taken a theoretical-practical course, but did not get a passing grade, but has passed the practical course of the above course, he can take the theoretical part of that course as an introduction to the professor, following paragraph 16. The decision of the Central Council regarding the implementation of this clause is mandatory.
  • It is not possible to get an introduction to the professor of a theoretical-practical course who already has a justified or unexcused absence, medical exclusion, emergency exclusion, or the order of the disciplinary council (score 0.25).

Is it possible to study at the same time?

  • The simultaneous study of associate and bachelor degree students (continuous and non-continuous) is prohibited in all universities (government and non-government) and all academic courses.