Invitation to the University of Applied Sciences for maximum participation in the elections

Invitation to the University of Applied Sciences for maximum participation in the elections

University of Islamic Applied Sciences has invited students, professors, academicians and people of noble people of Iran to participate in the 14th round of elections of the Republic of Iran.
According to the public relations of the University of Applied Sciences, the statement of the university is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful
Indeed, Allah commands you to deliver the trusts to their people, and if you judge between people, to judge with justice (Surah al-Nisa’, verse 58)
God commands you to give your trust to his masters and when you judge between people, judge in court. God, give you the blessings of goodness, God, hear and see.

We are the inheritors of the generation, who for many years had bloodshed and aspired to participate in the political power and governance of Kishor. With the search of the youth of the country and with the Islamic revolution, which was the light of the revolution, unattainable dreams have become reality, and today there are people who have taken over the administration of Kishor, and all members choose the political system, and religious democracy has emerged in the world in its true sense. the messenger Today’s youth should not forget the hardships and hardships that the nation suffered in order to reach and achieve the lofty goals of the nation and consider them as their own.
The decisive elections of the 14th term of the republic, which will be held on the eighth term of the month, will have a decisive role in shaping the future of the Islamic revolution, and any carelessness and negligence will be detrimental to it. Everyone should know that the elections are held by the members, the governance is correct and the progress and exaltation of the youth is dear. Huzur Ahad Mardam is at the bottom of the ballot boxes, the sign of Huzur Millat Sharif Iran is in the important scenes of administration of Kishor and Huzur Maksimi is in the scene of elections, because of the increase of national power and this is the support of national security.
In this way, the family of senior university students, lecturers, workers and organizations have sought to create excitement and excitement in the university environment so that we can witness the maximum attendance and participation of the people on the eighth day of the month.
We ask the Almighty God to guide the hearts of the nation of Iran in the direction of the right choice and to honor the wise and wise leader of the revolution until the appearance of the savior of mankind, Hazrat Baqiyatullah Al-Azam (may God grant him his blessing).

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